ChadThundercock · 0 points ·
cope & seethe

ChadThundercock · 1 points ·
kinda ironic that all your posts are "bash the right" type insecurity posts tho

ChadThundercock · 2 points ·
I don't know G. I introduced my good friend to the normie hook-up culture and may have damaged his divine innocence within. I feel like he doesn't ache to be a better man anymore and the same holds true for me to some degree, as he just accepted a place he can never be content with relationshipwise in the long term. I wish I'd knew an answer to this question, but comming to terms with the harsh reality seems too hard for us to fathom. May god have mercy upon our souls.

ChadThundercock · 1 points ·
either he failed the short or he used a holographic/reddot optic which are prone to thermal drift - which would connect to the mentioned heat present that day. Also possibly mirage from the barrel/heat if he didn't use a flimmerband.

ChadThundercock · 1 points ·
only an utter transfat would encourage drunk driving for his instant gratification, then again you are too lazy to even pick your junkfood up yourself. I demand a chin-tax; 55% tax on net benefit for every protruding chin after your first, for a better society

ChadThundercock · 1 points ·
***ing Lucas at it again

ChadThundercock · 1 points ·
is that pokemane the autist?

ChadThundercock · 18 points ·
No, dual classing isn't viable at this build of the universe, so you are either stuck with one or the other until further patchnotes. But rest assured, I went into your charactersheet and you are a fullblown virgin according to your specs.

ChadThundercock · 2 points ·
"never yeet until yote upon, but when they want to start a luau, be down to boogie"

ChadThundercock · 1 points ·
they aren't ***ing arround, straight gucci gear with the beretta
