About 4% of the whole german population is turkish, 81% are pure germans. No german dares to say a ***ing thing against immigrants, no matter how stupid they ***ing are. The fear of being called racist and nazi is omnipresent.

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10/10 would let her bribe me

Bullshit. You'd have to smoke more than 100 kg (Not sure how much) to overdose.
Also, people who smoke pot do it less than tobacco smokers (My dad smokes a pack a day) whereas standard weeders smoke few times a week

Doesn't matter, I'd still tap dat

There I remember that nice Skyrim quote from Paarthurnax
"What is better, to be born good or to overcome your evil nature through great effort"
In this case, what is better, not starting that shit or to overcome your addiction through great effort?

You are stupid and I officially dislike this pile of diarrhea you call a "post".
Good day, I hope you step on a lego.

Dat Lopunny

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