chocolatedog · 1 points ·
Yeah, but next season... Something will happen... That will make you smile...

chocolatedog · 3 points ·
If the stereotypes are even partially true, I would ***ing love to live in Canada.

chocolatedog · 1 points ·
Yes, because there are no gay people who want to get married or pregnant teenage girls in any other country on Earth...

chocolatedog · 0 points ·
Just came here to see how many of you started a fight before you got to the end...

chocolatedog · 1 points ·
More like the that squirrel from Ice Age.

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chocolatedog · 2 points ·
Saw this post on *** 10 minutes ago -.-

chocolatedog · 10 points ·
Okay, I haven`t been on hugelol for about 2 months... I come and see shitty posts like this on the front page. I don`t think I will be coming back anymore...

chocolatedog · 0 points ·
Actually, when a 15-year girls start waiting to turn 18 to marry 80-year olds, than Twilight will be to blame. Just sayin`.

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