ChocolateTundra · 1 points ·
Not if you give her a ship

ChocolateTundra · 2 points ·

Scroll down, and you'll see that even used a picture of Harold

ChocolateTundra · 1 points ·

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ChocolateTundra · 0 points ·

ChocolateTundra · 17 points ·
Were your jimmies rustled too?

ChocolateTundra · 3 points ·
Its just a waste of energy to keep this "Soccer vs Football" crap up. American Football started out as the football the rest of the world knows it as, with some rules of "rugby football" added to try and change the game a bit. There you have it, that's why its called "football" in the US, is because it started out as a mix of rugby and "football" as the rest of the world knows it.

ChocolateTundra · 7 points ·
There's a contest going on with Doritos to win an xbox one

ChocolateTundra · 2 points ·
You must be part Dwarf

ChocolateTundra · 2 points ·
Ha ha I get it because grass beats rock
