ciro_k3 · 3 points ·
I disagree with incompetent.
maybe you could say, much like brasilians, would faster use a wire than spend 2 cents on a bolt, but you can search any youtube video of something no one ever does or hasn't figured out, and there is an indian doing it, experimenting and creating a product with it, sure it looks like crap, but it works.
As an example, you can see some videos of them building an e-bike out of an old cordless drill, and it works, you search non-indian videos and everyone is like "oh no, you need to buy this bike specific motor, these bike specific bateries, this bike specific controller", ffs, we are dumb, we only know how to assemble stuff someone else created, while they figure out a solution to do something with what they do have without having to go out of their way and spend tons of money.
we should praise indian solution oriented mind

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ciro_k3 · 3 points ·
oh cry me a river.
project managers keep trying to pull dates in, and then reduce the time of a team development because another team took more time, but then are "LET DOWN" when impossibles aren't possible, shut up, i work to live, i don't live to work, and even like that, sometimes i do too much overtime, and if you are so smart and let down, why don't you do it?

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ciro_k3 · 4 points ·
i'm lost, can someone explain the joke?

ciro_k3 · 1 points ·
yeah, one is the priest

ciro_k3 · 1 points ·
some portuguese or spanish speaking person

ciro_k3 · 1 points ·
these "anti-racists" sure seem to be racist as sh*t, damn

ciro_k3 · 1 points ·
you, you are the problem with the world. you are dumb.
you can agree with something someone says without agreeing with everything, even without liking the person itself.

ciro_k3 · 1 points ·
wtf is happening to scientists? get some balls man. the great advantage of science should be to not bend over and get fckd in the a$$ by politics, and you are letting yourself get fckd.
Independent of the result, it should be published
