cplvlademir · 7-Year Club · 1 points ·
so children are treated with same levels of basic decency and respect that's shown to working adults. her argument holds

cplvlademir · 7-Year Club · 0 points ·
Damn dude ony if education wasnt out of reach for many poor people. i dont know maybe they can make colleges free or something haha that's crazy though and would NEVER work

cplvlademir · 7-Year Club · 1 points ·
Yeah if she wants ultimate fairness then we should abolish "womens and mens cycling" and just have "cycling" or sth.

cplvlademir · 7-Year Club · 3 points ·
its actually K-Pop

cplvlademir · 7-Year Club · 6 points ·
Thats ignorant

cplvlademir · 7-Year Club · 4 points ·
biden isnt a leftist

cplvlademir · 7-Year Club · 2 points ·
you probably didnt square the velocity and just divided it by amount of slaps. shame.

cplvlademir · 7-Year Club · 1 points ·
Cant even win against ottomans vruh

cplvlademir · 7-Year Club · 1 points ·
Yeah I guess the civil rights movement happened in another 60's like 1560's or something

cplvlademir · 7-Year Club · 7 points ·
WTF is that typeface
