Cpt_Pandawesome · Lurker · 8 points ·

Cpt_Pandawesome · Lurker · 11 points ·
It's not that millons of people aren't part of the problem. It's the marketing of "climate change is an individual issue" by a massive industrial contributor the problem.

A bit like those *** plastic producers teaming up and heavily marketing "recycling" as a viable way to handle plastic waste with their bullshit RIC while being fully aware that the waste management industry was not able to economically handle the massive quantity and diversity of plastic waste so it would end up in dumps in third world countries.


Cpt_Pandawesome · Lurker · 6 points ·
Thank you Terry

Cpt_Pandawesome · Lurker · OP · 1 points ·
I had my doubts about Trump losing his meme magic recently but I stand corrected.
Trump is eternal

Wasn't so sure about wich one to use so here's another for the 18 naked cowboys out there

Cpt_Pandawesome · Lurker · 7 points · *
MAiD is used as a medical euthanasia alternative (injections) since 2016 in some provinces and has been fully legalized federally (despite being legal on most provinces already) since 2021.

From official reports the median age of people requesting MAID is well over 75 and despite what recent memes try to tell you MAID is still overwhelmingly (98%+) used in cases where reasonable foreseeable natural death is in play.

People that ask for MAID are generally in end-of life conditions from cancer (60%), cardiovascular, respiratory failures... ect (or a combination of those). It's not an apply and you're done thing either as you can still die from natural causes while the request is being evaluated (it's the case in about 10% of the requests)

The process actually involves a vetto 2nd opinion from an external practicioner to make sure that the MAID is actually done at the request of the patient under full knowledge of what is happening and not under pressure. You can't request MAID if you're not legally able to understand it (think advanced Alzheimer or neurological problems).

There's a few published reports if you're actually interested https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/medical-assistance-dying/annual-report-2021.html

As for how the public take it it's well perceived generally. For myself I saw personally how the whole process while a relative was dying from generalized cancer and would 100% go out this way instead of waiting weeks for my body to rot away with nothing I can do about it while I still have some control of myself.

tl;dr Fringe abuse cases are being blown out way out of proportions by the mass media (what a surprise) and some of those cases may actually be criminally investigated

Cpt_Pandawesome · Lurker · 4 points ·
Sugar has a really high solubility in water based solutions (nearly 2kg/L in pure water but that would be lower than this here) but considering this is a milkshake even if you go over the saturation point in the water phase the colloidal suspension can still be "stable" and not precipitate out rapidly if you use some kind of emulsifier.

Cpt_Pandawesome · Lurker · 8 points ·
While it's pretty easy to find how many child there are in the US public school system I haven't been able to find numbers on how many children are officially part of church organisations/church-goers

Cpt_Pandawesome · Lurker · 17 points ·
Considering that there's way more public school employees than priests if you calculate it pro rata it's actually slightly in the priests' favor.

Catholic priests : +/- 0.0053 abuse/priest (about 1 case/185 priests)
Public school emlpoyeee : +/- 0.0042 (about 1 case/235 employees)

That's with the reported cases only
Thankfully we know that there's no traditional culture of hiding children abuse in organized religions <3

Cpt_Pandawesome · Lurker · 2 points ·
Supposedly China Med University is in Taiwan and not in mainland China but I have no idea if that changes anything.

I'm usually not one to judge too much based on who the author of a paper is but in that specific case if you look up who the hell is that "Raymond Palmer" you'll find that he's an electrical engineer/astronomer that somehow started to publish papers on "anti-aging" last year and now "works" for a biomedical start-up with a barely functionning website with a few spelling mistakes.

Oh and he sells books on it too https://www.amazon.com/Anti-Aging-Toolkit-NAD-Telomerase-More/dp/0646983482

Seems pretty ***ing sus to me. Doing research on your own by yourself and publishing it is fine and good but I'd still take everything that comes out of that guy with a heavy grain of salt hhhhh

Cpt_Pandawesome · Lurker · 2 points ·
Not familiar with scientific publications I guess?

Pubmed (the ncbi.nlm.nih.gov website you're looking at) is not a science publisher by itself, it's a search engine/aggregator mostly used in the medical/biomedical fields to look up scientific litterature since regular web crawlers (like Bing/Google and co.) are dogshit when looking for specific scientific subjects.

You can look up the article from the actual publisher by following the DOI that is on the pubmed page https://doi.org/10.37796%2F2211-8039.1371 and make up your own conclusions.

Being available on Pubmed isn't a seal of government approval or that it's "good" research either, there's plenty of shitty research available but Pubmed makes it easier to find/catalogue articles, see what other articles have been published by the same group and some other stats to evaluate relevancy.

There are other scientific search engines/database around like SciFinder, Scopus or even scholar.google.com that are more specialized in other research fields.

I ͕̫̅a̠m͐̽ ̡̓nêw̤͞ ͆͛͞hͨer̘͊͜è͙!̶͔̉
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