Cycleuser · Casual Poster · 1 points ·
Big Lez Show on youtube

Cycleuser · Casual Poster · 5 points ·
outta nowhere

Cycleuser · Casual Poster · 2 points ·
"Never let me go Ranjit"

Cycleuser · Casual Poster · 2 points ·
Yeah, more or less.

Cycleuser · Casual Poster · 2 points ·
ÆØÅ are used in both Danish and Norwegian. Swedes use ÅÄÖ

Cycleuser · Casual Poster · 1 points ·
I was lead to believe it was something like "spørgsmål" in Danish. Shes also a sort of celebrity in Norway, a blogger or something, which is why I was certain it was Norwegian.

Cycleuser · Casual Poster · 4 points ·
That's Norwegian though.

End reached.