dailyMathComics · 1 points ·
qualified on how to get married, not qualified on how to stay married

dailyMathComics · 3 points ·
That AI is going to be a downvoting, lonely, pot smoking alcoholic with dad jokes by the time it's 3 years old.

dailyMathComics · 1 points ·
TIL how to use chopsticks

dailyMathComics · 1 points ·
More importantly, why is that other trophy floating?

dailyMathComics · 1 points ·
So if you break a marine in two then you have 2 marine now?

dailyMathComics · 1 points ·
Not like there's any shirtless men with unrealistic bodies in those games.

Oh wait I'm sure that's the patriarchy's fault too.

dailyMathComics · 11 points ·
"no more than species, gender, or hair color, which you also pick during character creation. we're implying that the role you'd like to play in a game is a choice."

End reached.