dankvunk · 1 points ·

dankvunk · 1 points ·
can i get a link

dankvunk · 2 points ·
ahh Ross Creations, THE Florida man

dankvunk · 13 points ·
Netflix adaptation

dankvunk · 5 points ·
Hotel? Trivago.

dankvunk · 2 points ·
i dont get it

dankvunk · OP · 4 points ·
I'm not super into this thing and I really don't care that much, but someone replied to the tweet that the whole stock market had a bit of a drop, and that the tweet wasn't actually the main reason Tesla's stocks went down

dankvunk · OP · 2 points ·
recommend me a better font plz

End reached.
[DISCLAIMER: Daniel Keem 'KEEMSTAR' did not create, nor does he own or possess any part of this channel. All original content is created by dankvunk.]

Joined 6 years ago (2017-11-13 09:40:27).
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