DAsouperstar · 2 points ·

DAsouperstar · 3 points ·
OP is ***

DAsouperstar · 3 points ·
4chan isn't bad at all, at this point /b/ is all stoner threads, ylyl, and porn. This should be the deep web, with CP and kids for sale.

DAsouperstar · 1 points ·
Repost, again.

DAsouperstar · 3 points ·
so uh, who has the link?

DAsouperstar · 7 points ·
So how do you usually react when IE asks to be your browser?

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DAsouperstar · OP · 6 points ·
No, thats not my dawg. They do look similar though.

DAsouperstar · OP · 2 points ·
could you provide a link?

DAsouperstar · 2 points ·
If the puck crosses both lines and the red line next to the goal because a player on the team that was originally on defense and a player on the other team gains possession of the puck first then the puck gets put down at the side of the ice where it started. So pretty much only if the other team gets it first.
