Dat_User_Name · 2 points ·
Casillas' reaction makes it funnier

Dat_User_Name · 18 points ·
Isn't that perfection though

Dat_User_Name · 2 points ·
This News seems so current with the last one about Ukraine aswell

Dat_User_Name · 0 points ·
You ***

Dat_User_Name · 0 points ·
Anyone notice how Hillary is walking towards them forwards and then all of a sudden his back towards him

Dat_User_Name · 1 points ·
Was this a recent episode or a old one?

Dat_User_Name · 17 points ·
The irony :p

Dat_User_Name · 3 points ·
Doesn't anyone else think that looks like Michelle or is it actually her?

Dat_User_Name · 1 points ·

Dat_User_Name · 20 points ·
Thats what she gets for not being in the kitchen
