datass · Hardcore Commenter · 2 points ·
I quite like mac, tho I sold two of them after a year of use because cant run no games. It's iPhone that I can't stand to use. Dipshit OS.

datass · Hardcore Commenter · 4 points ·
I'll be honest, that looks confusing as shit. I just like some Mint with Cinnamon.

datass · Hardcore Commenter · 2 points ·
Thank you, same to you man!

datass · Hardcore Commenter · 5 points ·
Pelinkouc please. Past few months have been the best and the worst of times. I have finally decided to leave my job and start my own business. To make it easier I'll get into a 4 month program where I get a wage and business training if I will be accepted, which I probably will be. Besides that I have finally talked with my parents about my traumas, for the lack of a better word, all the way back from childhood to now. It was intense and one of the hardest things I have done, but for the first time in a very long time, I finally feel like I have agency and control over my life. Plus, I can finally have a genuine relationship with them.
I asked my girl to marry me and she said yes. She is the love of my life, but after the engagement something changed. She was not very happy with the way I engaged and I was hurt by that because I have planned it for a month, and now it's not the same as it was. Every day used to be like a corny romance movie with her, and we loved it, but now I distanced myself emotionally.

I feel motivated to change this, i know we can get thru this it's just that I don't really know how to proceed or what I even want and i am scared of what could happen.

datass · Hardcore Commenter · 4 points ·
That sounds rough man. You sure you don't want to break the news to your wife sooner rather than later? I'm guessing you trust her right?

datass · Hardcore Commenter · 1 points ·
Name a game I can buy without giving my personal information to a storefront/publisher.

datass · Hardcore Commenter · 1 points ·
He had a moment of self-doubt, thought "this guy us doubting me? He must go."

datass · Hardcore Commenter · 3 points ·
Now in control of rebranded Al-Queda. Ramp up the production, it's time to bump up the stock.

datass · Hardcore Commenter · 1 points ·
God I hope not

datass · Hardcore Commenter · 2 points ·
As a colorblind individual this meme is even better


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