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deadlysilence09 · 4 points ·
If you are hot, it's chivalry. Otherwise, you are a f**king creep and it's chauvinism. Not my opinion, but many female's.

deadlysilence09 · 15 points ·
What kind of ***ing shithead do you have to be to push a cat towards a snake with a rake? I hope this *** gets raped with the rake.

deadlysilence09 · 12 points ·
To the front page!

deadlysilence09 · 7 points ·
Thanks, captain.

deadlysilence09 · 2 points ·
What if I told you... beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Just because YOU think obese people aren't beautiful it doesn't mean it's everyone's opinion.

Why do you even care about other people? If they're fat and they're content with it, let them be and don't force your stupid opinion upon them.

Personally, I don't give a flying duck about the appearance.
Some people who aren't that shallow to completely judge someone by their appearance might think that it is normal to find someone beautiful, because they like them rather than liking them because they're beautiful.

Let the downvotes come ;)

deadlysilence09 · 14 points ·
My firstborn child shall be called by the name "pandalee", as a tribute to this great story :D

deadlysilence09 · 7 points ·
It would be worse if it was his father, I guess.

deadlysilence09 · 19 points ·
Teacher is his father.
