demo097 · 3 points ·
Math class... Aug. 8...
Seems legit

demo097 · 7 points ·
Yay a compliment ish

demo097 · 2 points ·
why? :o

demo097 · 4 points ·
Gold with 0 likes... i hate you guys :'(

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Joined 12 years ago (2012-08-26 08:14:02).
Has 37 Karma.
Created 5 posts.
Wrote 5 comments.

Achievements Info

10-Year Club 04.12.2023

9-Year Club 04.12.2023

8-Year Club 24.08.2020

7-Year Club 25.08.2019

6-Year Club 25.08.2018

5-Year Club 25.08.2017

4-Year Club 15.02.2017

3-Year Club 15.02.2017

2-Year Club 15.02.2017

Early Member 09.09.2016

1-Year Club 15.02.2017