DerFuhrer · 1 points ·
Well, the Wehrmacht has been standing on stand-by for too long...

DerFuhrer · 3 points ·
Every ideology except communism is nazism/fascism!
-Every communist ever

DerFuhrer · 1 points ·
and Andorra

DerFuhrer · 2 points ·
Hearts of Iron 3

DerFuhrer · 1 points ·
There is facebook for this kind of stuff

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DerFuhrer · 12 points ·
In fact he got angry because the Tsar was a dick and allied with Great Britain, but what you say is still 100% historical accurate

DerFuhrer · 38 points ·
Insult Napoleon by mocking France

DerFuhrer · 2 points ·

DerFuhrer · 1 points ·
NIce name...
