Destrukt · 2 points · *
watch mr skeltal doot if you arent a coward

Destrukt · 12 points ·
HAHA. Everyone look the le funny joke I made. xxDDD
I am so 1337 xxDDDD

Destrukt · 2 points ·
He actually made the dick on the board 1 X longer.

Destrukt · 2 points ·
dat autism

Destrukt · 4 points ·
Did he just what?

Destrukt · 3 points ·
"Movies are super unrealistic."
No sher Shitlock.

Destrukt · 9 points ·
PLEASE also give awards (achievements or whatever) for:
- Successfully reporting reposts
- Providing the source

Also how about this:

New rank: "Grammar Nazi"
Other than admins, grammar nazis are only able to edit comments and their job is to correct every misspelled word.

Long time users should be able to vote for bans for people who post shitty content. One week bans would be a good start.
Other example: Every week the 10 users who got the most negative karma during that week, arent able to post for a week.

Destrukt · 0 points ·
Why are you explaining this? Everybody whos not mentally challenged understands what is going on in the gif.
And Drkjtrardrth obviously tried to make fun of eviltoys for saying "strangely amusing" and the fact that it isnt really strange that it amuses him.
Drkjtrardrth's sarcasm was just retarded, granting him the downvotes, but you obviously didnt catch it even though he ended his comment with a smiley (which is dumb to use on this site, but made clear for everyone that he wasnt serious (everyone except for you)).
Also judging from the horrible grammar in your other comments, I really hope english isnt your first or second language.

Destrukt · 8 points ·
It was obviously a joke using her name "(Minh) An Ho".

Destrukt · 10 points ·
