Dillic · 1 points ·
Maybe we do all hate ***, but at least the people there are nice and aren't crying about another funny website all the time *grabs popcorn*

Dillic · 1 points ·
Problem is I'm not from us, so they would all be transported to my country

Dillic · 1 points ·
In my country it's also iligall to have fire weapons in your house. I've been wondering myself the same question :p

Dillic · OP · 0 points ·
if it was a repost, then hugelol wouldn't have uploaded it, it searches the whole website after a simular post and didn't find any.

Dillic · OP · 1 points ·
Wow 2 posts --' Sorry i took 5 seconds of your life with my 2 posts that many people think are funny --'

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Dillic · OP · 3 points ·
Well, sorry if you don't like that, but I personally don't think it's harmfull, because I think it's funny and want to share it, and it's not like I spam this website with cyanide and happiness posts :s

Dillic · OP · 13 points ·
--' if you delete every post that's not made by the auther himself here on hugelol,then there wouldn't be any posts left. Offcourse I didn't make this one myself, but i just want to share this funny post with you guys...

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