Dinglebat · 3 points ·
Report reposts, and if there atleast 400 or so votes for repost it automatically gets deleted.

Dinglebat · 4 points ·

Dinglebat · 1 points ·
The bible doesn't say "Though shall not kill, UNLESS the enemy is a brown villager from Afghanistan". Just saying.

Dinglebat · 1 points ·
Why are you idiots arguing about who's fault it is that your country is in an economic crises? Both parties are in the same club, the only reason they are there is to give the people a false sense of freedom. Corporations and lobbyists own the entire system. Get your head's out of your asses and wake up.
Your freedom is being taken away and yet you let the media divide you as a people so you can't effectively stand up to the government which is taking your liberty right before your eyes. It doesn't matter if your left or right, the government shouldn't be allowed to bomb innocent children in pakistan, arrest people for smoking marijuana, give millions of OUR tax dollars to greedy bankers, or send young men and women to go die in a war of greed.
If you want a difference, stop voting for the Dumbocrats and the Retarddlicans, they will only pursue their disgusting quest of self gratification. A word from the enlightened.

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