DJDey · 5 points ·
Tits exposed to the public, otherwise go to hell. (actually "go to the devil")
It's the german people spoke back in the middle ages, that's why it's kind of harder to translate. But at the end of the day you can say how to say "Tits or gtfo" on german but with style! :D

DJDey · 2 points ·
And that's the idea! People complain that there isn't any OC, so Hugelol gives us a Memegenerator, where we can be creative as *** but people complain about every little shit. Some people are really against any kind of progress. Mad world...

DJDey · 2 points ·
Well, download it. But always keep in mind: For you it's just a little pop-up but for the owner it's his opportunity of getting at least some money. By downloading an AdBlock you are about to do a big damage to small pages but also big pages. Hugelol doesn't cost anything and their severs are paid by the money of the ads, so if everybody activates AdBlock, Hugelol is going to shut down their servers.

DJDey · 1 points ·
Never cared for what they know...

DJDey · 7 points ·
Haha! You are a repost!

DJDey · 14 points ·
Trust me, you don't want to see Satan showing up out of a huge pentagramm on your floor and saying: "See you in hell, fukker!" and disappearing in your closet. Seriously, be happy with your boring life!

DJDey · 27 points ·
Well, at least you didn't use the money to buy cigarettes or alcohol.

DJDey · 22 points ·
I first tought you photoshopped the Moon on the Earth. Really confused me o.O

DJDey · 1 points ·
The first thing that made me laugh today! Thank you!

DJDey · 2 points ·
Maybe the only Facebook post I would have liked/shared... Nice!
