DoomGrey · 7 points ·
This is just like the little ponces who wear Che t-shirts which they bought in a high street store. It doesn't mean that Anonymous is dead, it means this little turd is trying to be cool and edgy without the faintest idea of what the movement is about, thus proving himself a narrow-minded ignorant superficial cretin. It is not Anonymous who is dead, it is Bieber.

DoomGrey · 1 points ·
Good ol' Pankration.

DoomGrey · 1 points ·
Actually sometimes it rips right through to the anus, making one horrible opening. But the doctors patch it up. Look up a 'fourth degree perineal tear'.

DoomGrey · 1 points ·
Actually, it usually rips.

DoomGrey · 1 points ·
Actually, it's from 'Big Train'.

DoomGrey · 1 points ·
Resident Evil 5/6

DoomGrey · 3 points ·
It's an English term.

DoomGrey · 1 points ·
Shitting bricks means being really really frightened or worried. ***ing learn to use it properly!

Unless you are saying you are terrified of heterochromia.

DoomGrey · 1 points ·
Kosen even, ha ha...

DoomGrey · 4 points ·
Looks like an Uchi-mata counter to a Taiotoshi, but techniques tend to mingle at higher levels. Check out the Kodokan Judo video! It can be torrented, not that I would condone that sort of thing...
