dosie101 · 1 points ·
member when Halo tried to be Cod? Now CoD wants to be Halo

dosie101 · 1 points ·
What kind of doggo is that

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dosie101 · 1 points ·
Better call the DA .... Dat Aaaasss

dosie101 · 6 points ·
To everyone questioning the practicality of this outfit, you have to remember that it's only meant to be worn at the event, not as part of a person's wardrobe. It's an artistic expression, in this case meant to create a sense of allure. The exposed breast teases the audience by showing only part of the body, leaving them with the overwhelming desire to see what else is underneath, namely Andre's giant ***.

dosie101 · 2 points ·
Aww, you dressed up your sex doll, how cute!

dosie101 · 1 points ·
What you have there is an imported African American-berry hand-planted hand-picked single batch pre-jam dessert for $12.95

dosie101 · 1 points ·
I always played multiplayer on this with my sister. Good times.

dosie101 · 1 points ·
well played toronto police.

dosie101 · 0 points ·
My sister-in-law gave me a hideous "LIVE" sign/decoration thing to hang on the wall as a house warming gift for my new apartment. I'm too nice to throw it away.

I currently have it flipped backwards to spell EVIL & it's hanging over the toilet.
