douglas45 · 1 points ·
Expecting Netflix and Chill, but you instead chill in a bathtub full of ice.

douglas45 · 3 points ·
This is the problem with internet reviews. This gentleman has given Wendy's a perfect 5/5 rating, but still has a reservations that maybe they should hire more attractive women working the friers who would respond cordially when he hollas. If this were an honest review, he would have given at the most a 4.5/5, or if half-stars aren't an option, a 4/5.

In short, he has given himself absolutely no headroom to write a better review with a higher rating in the future for a better fast-food restaurant which has both crispy chicken nuggitz that make him like "WHAAAAT!" as well as attractive female employees who holla back.

3/5 or 4/5 is not an insult, it's better than average. Please, eBay and Amazon and your anything-less-than-perfect-is-bad review system, you ugly anyway.

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douglas45 · 1 points ·
Smoothest scrotum I've ever seen!

douglas45 · 2 points ·
Je ne comprends pas. Pourquoi tient-il une clarinette?

douglas45 · 1 points ·
This is why people are starting to understand why white pride is considered offensive and black pride isn't. We don't know where we are from. My dna test just said 70 something percent sub saharan African.

Why is white pride seen as bad while our black pride is seen as good? There are two main reasons. The first, I believe, is the most important. Pride in your heritage and having white pride are not and never truly will be seen as the same thing. Having “Irish Pride” is not the same as having “White pride.”

The confusion comes in when people see “Black Pride” and feel that the situation is unfair. As I’ve stated before, the reason Black Pride and white Pride are not the same is sadly because the ability to trace your “Heritage” is very different for the two groups. A white person is much more likely to be able to trace their heritage, down to the letter, than a Black person is. Because many of our ancestors came here as mere cattle, we often have nothing more than a receipt. Tell me, when you bought your lawn mower, did you maintain the records of its creation, trace it’s route to get to you and maintain a paper trail of the metals and parts used to create it in the first place? Not likely. That is how many Black people were entered into this country, as machinery.

Because of this, many of us know nothing more than…”Black.”

White people on the other hand, are much more likely to know their heritage. Even those that don’t know the names of their Grandmothers or Grandfathers can often tell you that they are Irish, German, Swiss, etc. This is where the very stark difference between Black pride and white pride can be found.

A person saying they have pride in their Irish Heritage is never going to be seen the same way someone saying they have white pride will.

douglas45 · 1 points ·
Manure unlucky

douglas45 · 1 points ·
I wonder what Arvie S was typing.


douglas45 · 1 points ·
Obviously it rose up slowly from hell
