Dr0n · 1 points ·
You my friend are the definition of A REDNECK, CONGRATULATIONS! :D

Dr0n · 1 points ·

Dr0n · 1 points ·
Berlin! u?

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Dr0n · 26 points ·
A male being attracted by a female is not natural selection, natural selection is the survival of the fittest, this is more like...sexual win or some shit like that for title

Dr0n · 1 points ·
When I say I'm german in x box live playing nazi zombies other cod (amurican) players are all like: WOW do you reallyenjoy killing your grandparents) like wtf... they ARE pretty stupid. P.S this has happened several times

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Dr0n · 6 points ·
Call the priest

Dr0n · 3 points ·
let's leave it to muricans only

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