DrDwarrel · Early Member · 11 points ·
Nice. you ***ed up male and female though

DrDwarrel · Early Member · 9 points ·
Daisy's destruction.mov

DrDwarrel · Early Member · 1 points ·
The Silence may be an order, but I always thought that this species was just called "The Silent" and therefore the plural would be "The Silents"

DrDwarrel · Early Member · 2 points ·

DrDwarrel · Early Member · 14 points ·
So a mother texted her son "Mom" this, and then proceeded to upload it on the interwebs?


DrDwarrel · Early Member · 2 points ·

This hasn't got that much to do with your subconsious.

When you are in a dangerous place (or your brain thinks you are) like a closed space with no escape or a place where you can't see the danger, you start imagining things. And why? Because it's useful!

It stops us silly humans from talking and walking obviously in a dangerous place.

Because when you get scared from your own imagination, you do not only hide from the imagined horrors, but also REAL predators. Therefore it has evolutionary benefit.

Yes, your imagination gets sparked by movies you have seen, but NOT things our ancestors fought.

Yours sincerely.

DrDwarrel · Early Member · 1 points ·
Sweeney Todd.

I'm not getting a shave anytime soon...

DrDwarrel · Early Member · 1 points ·
me neither

DrDwarrel · Early Member · 1 points ·
Watch Lllama's with hats 1 on youtube...

End reached.