yeah ? I'm french, and reason why I didn't mention first was because of retards mocking us frenchies, happy now ***wit. And I haven't ever heard of ***ing Billy Mays or whatnot !
ok, I get it, you're a moron... Just because you get the joke despite the fact you're not native american, everyone should get the joke. WRONG ! I didn't get the joke here, call me whatever you want. But not everyone is supposed to understand a joke which involves something not everyone knows, this is called a PRIVATE JOKE, eventhough it involves thousands of people (in this case Billy Mays - had to google, since noone answered but a ***in' moron like you). So you know Billy Mays, you understood the joke, good for you. I ***ING DIDN'T KNOW WHO WAS THIS BILLY MAYS ! ***.
Also, Asia isn't a country, *** !
tl;dr : STFU ***ing asian moron son of a pig and a Peking duck !
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