egatron · 3 points ·
Yea i don't get this sterile suburb look.
Have some berry bushes, a cherry tree.
Zero maintenance. Biggest trouble is just going out and picking the fruit from the plant.

egatron · 7 points ·
Yeah, when i talk to my parents about the life in USSR, it seems it was alright.
They didn't have nearly as much materially and freedom wise as they have now, but it was alright.

But if you'd try to ask my grand grand father, well
he was murdered in a sadistic manner by the reds.

It seems after Stalin died they actually tried to develop a functioning country with civilized living conditions instead of just murdering/deporting and gulaging people they did not like.

egatron · 3 points ·
aww how i miss this

egatron · 7 points ·
>watch porn
>mom walks in
>i'm 32 years old

egatron · 1 points ·
the lack of effort in to thees makes them unfunny

egatron · 1 points ·
that doesn't look like a very manly gang sign

egatron · 1 points ·
Thanks for the invite, but it will take some time while i get across the Atlantic.

egatron · 8 points ·
such a peak meme

egatron · 1 points ·
damn i want to hang out like that

egatron · 2 points ·
run braindamage.exe
