emporius · 1 points ·
Have fun fighting over the controller, I know I didn't

emporius · 0 points ·
My environment of the future? I'm dead, why would I ***ing care?

Atheists: You are making atheism look bad

Theists: God(if there is one) is getting away from you by the minute, recap what you do and evaluate, okay?

emporius · 1 points ·
Juz a normal wedding in russia...

emporius · 1 points ·
And that my friends are why the secret US alien counter-attack force(AKA NASA) is trying to invade Mars with a spy named 'curiosity'

emporius · 1 points ·
Dafuq did i just read?

emporius · 2 points ·
is there 1 for ios or windows phone? Sorry, I am not a big fan of android...

emporius · 6 points ·
Actually, to be honest, I want a mobile app

End reached.