fbdude · 0 points ·
So if i don't cry when i watch an allegedly sad movie i don't have a heart? WELL SHYT

fbdude · 0 points ·
He's actually kinda right. Cheetahs hate the taste of human flesh. They'll only hurt you if you harm them or their cubs. Many people actually keep adult cheetahs as pets

fbdude · 1 points ·
This chewbacca's just another attention slut like Amanda Bieber

fbdude · 1 points ·
at least you got the balls

fbdude · 1 points ·
Just pointing this out after seeing this crap about 6 thousand and 33.8 times

Every royal would marry a non royal who's not a member of the British royal family (it would be weird if you married your sister wouldn't it). The child of the royal couple however would not be a 'half blood prince' as that would make his son 25% royal, and his 12.5% royal and so on, thus doing away with the 'royal blood' with this logic. Every child of a royal couple would be 100% royal.


fbdude · 1 points ·
but i don't have a dad

fbdude · 2 points ·
If you press the button continuously it sounds like a satanic group of men giving birth

fbdude · 8 points ·
Since he's asian, he's probably measuring the thermal conductivity by static friction against the fur using the hairbrush which he had invented to be able to act as a positive charge and to measure the static and heat obtained.
He would then use this power to obtain money to attend some more weirdass japanese reality shows.

fbdude · 1 points ·
"Whose fleece was white as snow"

So what does fleece refer to and why was it white
