FlaingHirsch · 7 points ·
das ist einfach ne Verarsche, weil unter CDU auch "Gemeinsam ins Neuland" steht - also kann man davon ausgehen, dass das einfach nur n Scherz sein soll

FlaingHirsch · 11 points ·
That isn't Neymar - that's a repost

FlaingHirsch · 1 points ·
look what a smooth move the seller does with the gun - amazing

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FlaingHirsch · 3 points ·
do you get ironic jokes ?

FlaingHirsch · 0 points ·
you know you can just click on the top right corner on http://hugelol.org/? :D

FlaingHirsch · 11 points ·
i like how he raises his arm then waits like a second and then hits her with this angry face

FlaingHirsch · 1 points ·
but this one is to show the creator of the original that he is wrong so... why would he use his own?

FlaingHirsch · 6 points ·
The Big Criminal - isn´t that just like Captain Obvious?

FlaingHirsch · 3 points ·
actually a pretty hot blonde
