flamingninja · 1 points ·
Is the title a joke? Because Kilograms are metric.

flamingninja · 2 points ·
lol, just never post random pictures of animals that aren't funny.

flamingninja · 1 points ·

flamingninja · OP · 1 points ·
Did someone post exactly this before......hmmmm no, no they didn't.

flamingninja · OP · 0 points ·
Yes, because all the people who agree with me are going to both see and like this. If you are using that logic, then 400+ million people would dislike this post and it wouldn't have been on the front page.
Well done! <3

I told you before that i don't personally dislike CoD and that this post was meant to be funny. If you can't accept that, I encourage you to continue to rage and reply to me. But I encourage you to wake up from your sad delusional life and realize that there are more important things than arguing with people on the internet because they said something you disagree with.

flamingninja · OP · 0 points ·
I'm not making a post because I'm angry, I'm making a post because its funny.

If you don't like it i suggest you get over it, because at this time there is 875 people who think it is as funny as I do.(which for my first post ever I'm pretty happy with)

flamingninja · OP · 1 points ·
It's obvious that you care about this way more than I do, so why don't you just run along and play your little game.

flamingninja · OP · 0 points ·
Firstly, I don't hate CoD, but the fact that they are all the same is undeniable.

Also, why would I need all of them?
I would only need one to deduce that both I am bad at the game, and the fact that CoD is not worth my time. <3

Nice video though, I hope you enjoyed spending your time on something that is important to you XD

flamingninja · OP · 62 points ·
I think they meant CoD specifically.

End reached.