Flix · 5 points ·
And I will never understand this type of girls. I understand it if a girl just want to be friends or very good friends by why the hell does she get a pedicure from him. Doesnt she has female freinds to do this? Or is he gay that he does that or?! Oo

Flix · 2 points ·
Yeah Mrright..because those soldiers were trained to think about a given order right? Its not that they were trained to do whatever they are ordered to do in the way they are ordered to do it. Meaning kill all mens with whips= kill all MEN with whips. Thats the whole point of the unsollied or how they are called. They do what they are told to do. Figurativly.

Flix · 1 points ·
I love the endresult. Strangely this never happens to me and I`m doing it that way. It`s called "beeing used to it".

Flix · 0 points ·
I`m not getting his part of the story since he went to his dad...and its getting wierder every episode.

Flix · 3 points ·
Totaly makes sense.

Flix · 2 points ·

Flix · 1 points ·
I dont think so. Unless you have a realy bad lawyer a simply "how to give a respiration" should get the judge on your side.

Flix · 6 points ·
|America| Try this in germany and the judge laughs at you and closes the case. Maybe he will even ask you ironicaly if you REALY just want to sue that dude because he saved you. I like how the jury got red eyes eamning they even are on the girls side. Just laughable.

Flix · 23 points ·
Normaly I`m against police-violence but...realy? Pushing a guy for no apparent reason while he holds such a gun? Did he even bother thinking about that 1sec? Would have done the exactly same thing as the policedude.

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