Flix42 · 1 points ·
Hehe true words.

Flix42 · 1 points ·
Beeing thin or fat doesnt change anything besides the actual look. You are just traiding one kind of disease and deathreasons for an other. :P And one pizza a week...damn you are gonna get realy fat that way. Better only drink water for some days after that.

Flix42 · 2 points ·
Yeah well you need to see the last game of thrones-episode to get that. But nice. That way it`s not a spoiler since this is his first apperance in the show.

Flix42 · 2 points ·
Nope...if I want to stream musik and movies I use my PC. And If I have to be online on a regular basis to play my games I realy dont see any reason why not PC in the first place.^^

Flix42 · 1 points ·
I always hope that the posters of such ragecomics are just making a funny post and know why that is the case. But i`m not realy convinced in the age of internet.

Flix42 · 1 points ·
And then imagine what he could do if he takes the Lantern-Ring.

Flix42 · 3 points ·
Sorry but...What? That thing is a GAMING-CONSOLE...If I want to watch TV...quess what I deactivate the console and use the friggen TV it is attached to.

Flix42 · 0 points ·

Flix42 · 1 points ·
Well he made Honour to his name I think. Wouldn`t expect anything else from somebody who calls himself *** of Titans.

Flix42 · 6 points ·
Agreed. How can one see the actual Film and miss that part? It`s a keypart to the whole Film that he is not a Asgardian. -.-
