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flost · OP · 0 points ·
you know whats lousy? liking his own comments

flost · OP · 0 points ·
says the guy spending his time on hugelol

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flost · 0 points ·
how about the universe? you arent able to know how infinite or not the universe is, because i dont think youve seen the end of the universe. in this context i dont understand your argumentation why nothing can be infinite.
so, i think you dont know whats the sence of funny sites. they are funny. it is not meant that he said that. i never said that he said these words, but its funny i think, and so i can do it on hugelol.
by the way, the only thing that is degrading to albert einstein is your statement. when it says : 'nothing is infinite' and albert einstein says: the human stupidity is infinite' you are doubt of his statement, so i think this is the only degrading thing here is your stupid argument 'nothing is infinite'

and stop to give yourself points on your comments. it isnt good enough.

flost · 3 points ·
sorry, but its a repost

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