Funkytomatoe · 5 points ·
Marzia is confused

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Funkytomatoe · 1 points ·
A "concept"? I guess that also means that Nicki Minaj is an "Artist".You gotta be more original.

Funkytomatoe · 2 points ·
He will be a god among the people of ***.They will worship him.
What if they think he is a freak?An outcast?
That can never happen...

Funkytomatoe · 5 points ·
Stop with the freaking unoriginal titles. No one likes it.

Funkytomatoe · 1 points ·
I just realized my great mistake...

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Funkytomatoe · 2 points ·
As a Brony,I admit I find it creepy when people above age 25 like Mlp.

Funkytomatoe · 1 points ·

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