FuriousMelon · 1 points ·
He's all alone out there in the wild and suddenly knows that somewhere a child was born so he reports it to his village... wat?

FuriousMelon · 1 points ·
Omg you ***in' *** HL is shutting down unless they can get comercial partners to run pro ads on their site but nobody wants to put ads on a site filled with smartass 12-year-olds with "dark" humor screaming "muh muh Hitler, Muh muh niqqa chicken muh"

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FuriousMelon · OP · 1 points ·
what? is this a vote battle?

FuriousMelon · 2 points ·
compared to someone being clubbed and dragged behind a bush, false rape accusations may be commonplace but what about drugrape? just because we don't wack eachother doesn't mean it's nonexistant anymore. Now drugs are used and rape is still an issue. i understand you hate misandrists but holy ***ing shit you're blasted in the potato

FuriousMelon · 3 points ·
oooh nice one!

FuriousMelon · 1 points ·
or a dildo

FuriousMelon · 1 points ·
Jesus christ, Marie! They're second degree polynomials!!!

FuriousMelon · 2 points ·
yet every time there's a new mario game people lose their shit and buy it...

FuriousMelon · 5 points ·
Well... actually... the process of a caterpillar becoming a butterfly as well as a tadpole growing legs are called metamorphosis. The different species of bird pokemon inabiting the pokemon world are part of evolution.
These videos are great for explaining the difference and they're even about pokemon!

