Your #567th source for Shitposts and Occasional Edgy Shit which will probably get banned by the admins. Also considered a fa ggot Genji Main.
4,172 Verified

Joined 8 years ago (2017-02-20 02:31:21).
Has 4,172 Karma.
Created 35 posts.
Wrote 3 comments.

Achievements Info

6-Year Club 16.04.2024

5-Year Club 04.02.2023

4-Year Club 18.03.2021

3-Year Club 20.02.2020

2-Year Club 20.02.2019

Poster 07.03.2017

Poster of the Day 27.02.2017

1-Year Club 20.02.2018

Bronze Club 01.03.2017

Casual Poster 20.02.2017

Verified 20.02.2017