gigigi · 2 points ·
The dialect is probably from Molise or Abruzzo regions. Your transcription is correct. However they don't say "salami", they say: "sausage". However this type of (dried) sausage is in fact very similar to salami.

gigigi · 5 points ·
what about Greeks?

gigigi · 1 points ·
This strongly remind me of the comic "crossed"

gigigi · 24 points ·

gigigi · 2 points ·
I lived two years near a camp of theirs

gigigi · 5 points ·
"re" means "king", so... "hail to the king"

gigigi · 4 points ·
It's true. His name was: "Scirè".

gigigi · 7 points ·
Just stay near them some time and you'll find out that all they say about them is completely utterly true.

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