Gobis19 · 10 points ·
Invented by the chinese, was a war game, after a battle the Victors would kick around their enemys heads as celebration

Gobis19 · 1 points ·
everyone is a hoe

Gobis19 · 1 points ·
I want a pair of these, gonna start putting them on people who pass out at parties haha

Gobis19 · 1 points ·
So hardcore :O too bad your team showed up 4 nothing

Gobis19 · 1 points ·
Texas was it's own Country before joining the U.S.A

Gobis19 · 5 points ·
Yeah, they came to earth after we dropped the Atomic Bomb, idk if they are real but America is turning into a Nazi country

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Gobis19 · 3 points ·
Shit's too deep, too many feels here

Gobis19 · 1 points ·
Her mouth wants the D

Gobis19 · 1 points ·
This is that stupid self confidence, wish I had some of that but at least I have a brain
