Grammmar · 1 points ·
Someone actually tried. I think I might die

Grammmar · 1 points ·
i like the message overall. but let's be real. no soldier under the age of 70 has fought for anyone's right to anything in north america. nearly all of the wars after ww2, were economic wars, or wars for ideologies far removed from north america. fighting a war in vietnam, or in iraq, or afghanistan has nothing to do with protecting anyone's freedoms in america.

with all of that said though, her using her veteran status to make a point is a good thing. don't get me wrong i don't think soldiers are bad people, i do think the people who handed down the orders to mislead the soldiers are shitbags though.

Grammmar · 0 points ·
This photo is badass in the most old school way possible. Love it.

Grammmar · 1 points ·
Is it legal to do stuff like that? Could I have my bones made into weapons for my kids?

Grammmar · 1 points ·
Thanks for reminding me to play Stardew Valley.

Grammmar · 1 points ·
So either rent another movie first or pay another day for a movie you've already watched. No other options. Checkmate.

End reached.