GunDog · OP · 1 points ·
It's an unpopular opinion for a reason. But haven't you considered, that maybe the two most powerful people on Earth could have some things in common? Couldn't they help each other grow, because, you know, they both rule the two scariest countries on the planet? And wouldn't all the media blow-up and PR bullshit be nullified by the people about whom they report about by simply drinking, and talking, like real men tend to do?

GunDog · OP · 1 points ·
Actually, it did happen to me. No notice, no change in character, no absence of emotion whatsoever, just one single fight tipped her over and she left me for good. It was our mutual fault, and all I can do now is better myself and try to find another reason to be happy.

I still love the ***, though...

GunDog · 14 points ·
If the punchline is genuinely funny, I don't mind.

GunDog · OP · 1 points ·
He's hospitalized at the moment. His helmet softened the blow, although there are rumors of brain hemmorhage.

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GunDog · 1 points ·
That's like the gayest thing I've ever seen.

GunDog · OP · 0 points ·
She does love me, but it hurts her like hell, and it's sorta ***ed up to have fun while hurting the one you love the most. :/

GunDog · 15 points ·
Nice try, Obama.

GunDog · 1 points ·
Sorry guys, link me the original so I can report mine.
