gunsandcats · 1 points ·
While impressed I still don't understand how he just pushed the mans gun hand back and kept his hand back, seems like the robber could have simply pulled his gun up anyways. I don't know maybe I'm overthinking it.

gunsandcats · 3 points · She's ridiculous. Stop defending her.

gunsandcats · 1 points ·
They wait until it tries to run away then chase it down themselves. It's how the cubs learn to hunt.

gunsandcats · 1 points ·
Commandments. Not amendments or mandaments.

gunsandcats · OP · 2 points ·
All clear! Thanks.

gunsandcats · 1 points ·
....So many of those frames in movies are pointless, exactly alike and don't add anything to the story so this is kind of pointless and idiotic.

gunsandcats · 0 points ·
I'll try to keep that in mind. Is each season connected to a book and a good sign of how long the show will go on?

gunsandcats · 4 points ·
Why did I like this so much???????????????

gunsandcats · 1 points ·
Those are actually sculptures not real people.............If someone knows who I'm talking about look the guy up for me I'm entirely too lazy.

gunsandcats · 1 points ·
Homosexuals joining the military and getting married offends me. Needless to say I treat each person I come across with respect and don't insult them on a constant basis over their personal beliefs and life style. Who is in the wrong? Someone treating someone with respect despite their disagreeing with their way of life or the people insulting me and those who agree with me on a constant basis labeling us as rude ignorant trash?
