guto8797 · 1 points ·
Its the guy from Toy Story

guto8797 · 2 points ·
The_Weaver for everyone else

guto8797 · 13 points ·
Captain Explain here.

Its a furry thing. Canid penises have a knot at the base that engorges during mating. So asking on the internet "Knot or Pizza" is going to lead to a lot of questionable answers

guto8797 · 6 points ·
This artist is also responsible for some other very interesting comics.

guto8797 · 1 points ·
No I don't believe anyone in any serious context brings up the crusades after an attack. Unless the discussion veers into instability in the middle East, in which case its a valid topic.

But "muh both sidez"

guto8797 · 9 points ·
Right Wing Arguments and Whattaboutism, name a more iconic duo.

guto8797 · 9 points ·
A few Soviet RPG's do wonders.

Now jokes aside, most of the "heavy lifting" was done by the NVA, the formal army of the North, the Vietcong was more of a guerrilla insurrection behind enemy lines.

guto8797 · 4 points · *
Fun Fact: At the time the line was drawn Brazil hadn't been discovered. During the negotiations Portugal randomly requested that the line be shifted a bit west, claiming a bit more ocean for itself.

Until 4 years later when Brazil was "discovered" having been placed under Portuguese rule by that cheeki line shift.

guto8797 · 3 points ·
Nah, this Portuguese Beer brand likes doing this sort of trippy packaging.

guto8797 · 5 points ·
