halogenlampe · 8-Year Club · 1 points · *
You have, sadly, been the victim of misinformation. Yes, I did see the Veritasium video. Unfortunately, if they conducted their research more thoroughly, they would have made an attempt to contact dota_teabag himself or any TASers in the A-Button-Challenge community.
The cartridge that produced the TTC upwarp has been known to get tilt errors.

Short version: Cartridge tilt is a billion times more likely than cosmic bit flip, but doesn't make for as good of a story. Obviously neither of them can be proven so believe what you want I guess

halogenlampe · 8-Year Club · 4 points ·
If you're on the north or south pole, nothing would happen

halogenlampe · 8-Year Club · 1 points ·
As someone who does "believe" in total annihilation (and would REALLY prefer not to, trust me I tried) it is a question I have to tackle on a daily basis. Let me know if you figure out a solution

halogenlampe · 8-Year Club · 1 points ·
Wait, so the mainstream media were actually shitting on the guy who got Leon?

halogenlampe · 8-Year Club · 3 points ·
Thanks mate

halogenlampe · 8-Year Club · 1 points ·
Truthfully, the Internet makes it impossible to find a reasonable middle ground on anything since nobody acts in good faith. If you want a nuanced discussion about politics, you will have to ask a friend, never a stranger.

halogenlampe · 8-Year Club · 1 points ·
Source? My assertion is that oil is on track to run out in about 40 years, my source is https://www.worldometers.info (See "Days to the end of oil")

halogenlampe · 8-Year Club · 2 points ·
I agree with you that there's worse fates than death. What sucks to me is the lack of control.

halogenlampe · 8-Year Club · 1 points ·
Played wario land 3 as a kid, loved and remembered it throughout the years and decided to play through them all a couple of years ago. Got 1, 2 and 4 from a retro game store, and damn did those games deliver. Just really solid design throughout.

halogenlampe · 8-Year Club · 3 points ·
Farewell you magnificent ***
