whenever a vegan talks I always remember that smug storm episode of south park where people sniff their own farts...It's like a Christian saying ''As a Christian'' before being really smug about how better they are than everyone else.
I'm 18 and get laid frequently, I'm confident enough to be open about that, what I like and not shame others for what they like, kids like you don't belong on a website where you're supposed to be clever, funny and open to different people. Shaming people for liking anime only makes you look like a sad child.
I love dark humor, it's beautiful, it gets the absurdity out of moments people close their eyes for. It's an outlet for many people, like me. But you'll never understand, go further and shame others, nobody cares or gets offended. Your words are stupid and annoying, please waste your time on this and stay miserable.
I like to make fun of everything I love, getting the absurdity out of it makes me feel better. Probably because I view things differently ever since my words are not driven by emotion. Comedy is amazing and comes in every form, this is why I'd rather hang on hiddenlol lately because there's no filter, no such people like you who get offended about everything and can't find the absurdity out of situations.
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