HardMetal · 7-Year Club · 8 points ·

HardMetal · 7-Year Club · 3 points ·

HardMetal · 7-Year Club · 12 points ·

HardMetal · 7-Year Club · 8 points ·

HardMetal · 7-Year Club · 2 points ·
You just have to put coffee grain in them except for the keurig one, very low effort meme

HardMetal · 7-Year Club · 1 points ·
Man what a ***ing shitshow, terrible song with over the top high-school tier prod and mix and a fag dancing.

HardMetal · 7-Year Club · 7 points ·
You really expect me to believe this shit ??

HardMetal · 7-Year Club · 3 points ·
At least it's not Jean-Michel Trogneux

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HardMetal · 7-Year Club · 13 points ·
It's 0 then, quickmath
