haxxorsz · 3 points ·
Irwin Cardozo's comic, if anyone's wondering.

haxxorsz · OP · 3 points ·
Yeah, sadly there are still some risks with this plan, her having a dick is one of them.

haxxorsz · 1 points ·
Yup, it's reported.

haxxorsz · 1 points ·
Almost can't see the background because of all the watermarks. Well done.

haxxorsz · OP · 1 points ·
Well, it definitely should be added.

haxxorsz · OP · 2 points ·
Yes, thank you.

haxxorsz · OP · 7 points · *
The person pictured on the bus is a former U.S. President (John F. Kennedy), who was assassinated by being shot in the head. The handle makes it look like a gunshot wound in his head, and the text makes it seem that what happened there was something positive.

I hope this explains it enough.

haxxorsz · OP · 3 points ·
No need to apologise, I know this isn't the most politically correct of jokes, but I still think difficult subjects such as this one should be ok to joke about.

haxxorsz · OP · 3 points ·
I'm sorry if you actually have gone through that, but there's no need for you to take this post personally, everyone has their own taste in jokes. And also, if you had to remove jokes as soon as someone is offended by them, there wouldn't be any jokes.

haxxorsz · OP · 4 points ·
The thing is, that it's a joke though, and a joke shouldn't be taken seriously. And rape is not literally the worst thing that can happen to a person, don't use that word the wrong way.
