heyyyyyyyy8 · 2 points ·
Neck = Broken

Yay for 9 months too late haha

heyyyyyyyy8 · 5 points ·
Fak u Puten.

heyyyyyyyy8 · 3 points ·
Haha, very true.

Upvote. Internet, you can deal with it.

heyyyyyyyy8 · OP · 1 points ·
No sir, I know what you meant to say, but it was incorrectly typed, so I made it a joke because, just because.

Didn't mean no disrespect man.


heyyyyyyyy8 · OP · 1 points ·
A Lama? Saying a prayer? Haha, sounds like everyone should have been laughing.

heyyyyyyyy8 · 7 points ·
The black guy?

heyyyyyyyy8 · 2 points ·
not infomercial, from AWOLNATION vid

heyyyyyyyy8 · OP · 7 points ·
*countries *these ;)

heyyyyyyyy8 · OP · 2 points ·
only after so long though

heyyyyyyyy8 · OP · 5 points ·

so sorry.
