Hiddenvoice · OP · 1 points · 10 years ago
Sophisticated humor is kinda lost.

Hiddenvoice · 1 points · 10 years ago
I don't know about other people, but I find drama funny.

Hiddenvoice · 1 points · 11 years ago
Well, my geography isn't the best, and my history leaves something to be desired, but under the Warsaw pact, most of the countries east of West Germany fell as a Soviet satellites. But your right. I saw a map once where Finland was part of Russia. I just checked, it wasn't. Thanks for keeping me honest.

Hiddenvoice · 2 points · 11 years ago
Hydrogen Hydroxide.

Hiddenvoice · 1 points · 11 years ago
I'm going to take the soap box.

Things that should've been included in the Europe map:

1. Finland should've been included with "Mother Russia"
2. Turkey should've been on its own, saying "Murican Missiles"
3. It should've said "Mario" on Italy

On the United States map:

1. I have no suggestions, but I do believe something about Russian Alaska

That Europe map, though. That could almost be a Cold War map; adding half of Germany and Finland.

I'm from San Diego, and I'll admit to referring to the United Kingdom as England. I apologize for that. I'll promise to try and stop that.

If the America map was...

1. From a Native's perspective, most of it would say stolen.
2. From a Brit's perspective, the thirteen colonies would say rebel scum.
3. From a Mexican's perspective, the area containing California, Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, and most of Texas would say stolen.
4. From the French perspective, the Louisiana Purchase area would say, "Damn it, Napoleon!"
5. From the Spanish perspective, Florida would say, "Damn it, Andrew Jackson!"
6. From the Dutch perspective, New York would say, "We had this first."
7. From an American's perspective, the whole map would be plastered with the notional debt, and would read, "Thanks, Obama."

Yes, referring to the US citizens as "Americans."

Deal with it.

Hiddenvoice · 1 points · 11 years ago
If people know what I'm talking about...


Hiddenvoice · 2 points · 11 years ago
Is everyone going to get mad now for a decision made nearly 240 years ago?

End reached.