hitl0r · 1 points ·
You don't need to research 24/7 to come up with something, that isn't the standard mass media stuff.
It is not only about greed, it is also about securing the lifestyle of the country you are leading. And, of course, this lifestyle may be greedy, taking resources and whatever, but in the end these people elected you, to do the things that you think would be best for them. And the consequences for the other people you're affecting with your decisions, are secondary, because the majority doesn't care how you achieve it, they care _that_ you achieve it.
Again, you're putting words in my mouth, i did not say that the swiss government does nothing.
Norway has more than the double amount of GDP than Austria and Switzerland almost. Austria is in the EU, and the EU is supporting the US. So Austria is just not a country you can compare to these two countries. And the US, the most aggressive country, has a higher GDP, just saying.

But my main message is, IF you don't have time to understand and you are not willing to inform yourself to not understand, than you don't deserve to understand. If you love to live in a bubble, live in that bubble and do not question things, you are apparently not willing to comprehend.

hitl0r · 0 points ·
your comment to my username is absolutely irrelevant, because it's a username on a funsite, not a statement.
i never said, that austrians have a better life style than the people in the countries you listed. i didn't even mention other countries. but you listed austria with norway and switzerland. though norway and switzerland certainly are rich and are not in the eu, austria isn't really rich and is in the eu. and i'm talking about money and when you refer to someone being rich, without stating what you exactly mean, it is always about money.
your government is just being neutral and using that to their advantage. you can be lucky that your people in the 90s decided to vote against joining the eu. for example here is again a new opportunity http://rt.com/business/180956-eu-transfer-switzerland-russia/ i know it's rt, but the news itself is something that would be absolutely plausible given the current situation.
well which country isn't afraid of terrorism, as it can be a threat and sometimes come even from within your own country (raf in germany in the 70s), or in russia, with the metro bombings 2010, and the airport bombing at domodedovo.

I certainly can decide what is wrong and what is not, as it will be my personal opinion. And with the use of the internet you can get your information not from the big news companies but also from independant people, who do their own research or are an actual source themselves.

Instead of saying "i don't know why" you should just read into the topic. you could start taking one ongoing conflict and try to find out as much as possible and you will see, that this is all somehow connected.

hitl0r · 1 points ·
the world is permanent somewhere at war, so you should be constantly wondering. and since when is austria rich?
also, please inform yourself about the wars and then you could stop wondering. just pretending to be something better, just because you live in switzerland, isn't the way to go.

hitl0r · 56 points ·
what is that?

hitl0r · 6 points ·
doesn't look dry to me

hitl0r · 9 points ·
ever heard of jizzus?

hitl0r · 1 points ·
no wisdom teeth master-race reporting in

hitl0r · 8 points ·
welcome to *** 2.0

hitl0r · 6 points ·
in english it is:
I am Lord Voldemort

hitl0r · 9 points ·
it's from the tv series "Don't Trust the B---- in Apartment 23"
